
Team of ex-doubletwisters, a company we all loved and enjoyed working.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Amaravati: Abode of Amritas: "

Somewhere out there in the universe is a planet with weight-gain scams

'Now, Brenda,' Oprah said. 'You told us earlier that you refuse to go anywhere with your sister, that you won't even walk down the street with her. Why is that?'

Brenda gestured at the thin woman next to her. 'Well, just look at her. Would you want to walk down the street with that? To have everybody staring at you, laughing at you?'

The thin woman spoke in a low voice. 'I can't help the way I look.'

'Yes, you can,' Brenda said. 'You just don't want to. You're just lazy.'

'I've tried to gain weight,' her sister said. 'You know I have. I've been on diets since I was three years old. I paid three thousand dollars last year to go into a weight-gain clinic. Nothing helps. I'm just... naturally thin.'

- Nigel G. Mitchell, 'Weightless'"


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